this morning i was just thinking about friends and i thought that id like to add my 2 cents about them.......
starting off in high school i had tonz of friends~!~ i loved it, i love talking to people and being involved in things. but as my junior year hit things started to change. i joined an academy that took me away from my school for over have the day every day, and though i greatly enjoyed this academy i felt that it caused me to loose touch with many of the students that previously i had been great friends with. from there on out i had but few friends.
that was really hard for me at the time since i had been so used to being surrounded my smiles and jokes. after high school i attended the utah college of massage therapy and there made a few good friends, and many great acquaintances. i graduated from there, people went there own ways and time moved on as it always does.
it was just this morning though that i realized that 1- i have more friends than i had thought, and 2- that though i may not have tonz of friends, all the friends i do have are really great people. aubrey r, my best friend, has been with me for 8 years and a little under 2 years ago her brother and my sister got married, thus tying us into family relations (we're not complaining ;) ). she and i have had differences, but its almost comic when we fight..if you can call it that. we always end up laughing and saying oh well, then go get ice cream :) she and i definitely have a stronger bond than most i think. we are able to strengthen each other where others cannot, and we both tend to mimic each other in our failings and successes. i can talk to her about anything in the world and know that i will receive wisdom beyond years from her. grateful for that!
then there's april s. my best friend from UCMT. shes the one who got me to start thinking for myself and helped me take my first real step out into the world of living on my own and helped me greatly understand that i am still young and have a long way to go, not to worry quite yet. :)
next theirs Phister...well, Cassie, but we all call her phister.
starting off in high school i had tonz of friends~!~ i loved it, i love talking to people and being involved in things. but as my junior year hit things started to change. i joined an academy that took me away from my school for over have the day every day, and though i greatly enjoyed this academy i felt that it caused me to loose touch with many of the students that previously i had been great friends with. from there on out i had but few friends.
that was really hard for me at the time since i had been so used to being surrounded my smiles and jokes. after high school i attended the utah college of massage therapy and there made a few good friends, and many great acquaintances. i graduated from there, people went there own ways and time moved on as it always does.
it was just this morning though that i realized that 1- i have more friends than i had thought, and 2- that though i may not have tonz of friends, all the friends i do have are really great people. aubrey r, my best friend, has been with me for 8 years and a little under 2 years ago her brother and my sister got married, thus tying us into family relations (we're not complaining ;) ). she and i have had differences, but its almost comic when we fight..if you can call it that. we always end up laughing and saying oh well, then go get ice cream :) she and i definitely have a stronger bond than most i think. we are able to strengthen each other where others cannot, and we both tend to mimic each other in our failings and successes. i can talk to her about anything in the world and know that i will receive wisdom beyond years from her. grateful for that!
then there's april s. my best friend from UCMT. shes the one who got me to start thinking for myself and helped me take my first real step out into the world of living on my own and helped me greatly understand that i am still young and have a long way to go, not to worry quite yet. :)
next theirs Phister...well, Cassie, but we all call her phister.
she and i most of the time have different opinions about many-a-thing, but she understands and respects my beliefs and she is kind and considerate about not putting my ways down. she has been the girl that i can talk to and know that she wont judge, but kindly give me her advise and thoughts of wisdom on the matter. i learned from her that life can still be lived in abundance even when your world is falling all around you. another friend of mine that i would like to talk about is lindsay w. she is a sweet girl. we have not always shared the same views, and she is one friend that i have struggled with, thinking i could never be friends with again. but through time we have been able to use our big issue together, instead of against each other, and she has helped me to be able to see over the problem and now she is able to help bring me back up to where i was before when hard times hit. she is a bubble of fun!
there are other friends of mine that i am also grateful for, but i do not get to talk with or see much. i dont want them to think i am leaving them out, i am thinking about them! everyone i have come in contact with has given me knowledge to use in my earthly journey and i am grateful and thankful for them as well.
i am grateful for friends. definitely one blessing that helps rid a person of many curses :)
True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island…to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing. — Baltasar Gracian
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